BP Hamble identified that fire water pump P121 was no longer working and needed to be replaced. As the terminal have reduced the number of storage tanks on the site with mainly only crude and ethanol remaining it was requested that Fabri investigated the option to reduce the size of the pump.
Fabri reviewed the site SSERP to identify what firefighting scenarios would be the most onerous on the pumping system and site capability. These scenarios where then hydraulicly modelled utilising the site jetty fire water pumps.
This hydraulic analysis determined that P121 (the electrically driven fire pump which served as the light oil tank farm fire pump) can be removed from the system completely as the diesel driven pumps at the jetty were found to supply sufficient flow and pressure for all remaining firefighting scenarios.
Project Managers
Michael Cummings (Fabri) / Monique Wassili (BP)
Fabri Engineering Lead
David Burnett
BP Hamble where looking at upgrading / replacing the messing facilities at the Jetty. The facility was believed to have fallen into a state of disrepair and as such Fabri where requested to explore the options for deconstructing the messing facility and incorporating/rationalising the equipment within the Jetty Control Room.
Fabri reviewed various options for replacing the existing building, deconstructing the existing building, locating a new smaller building in an alternative area of the jetty and rationalising the equipment within the jetty control room to allow the required space to house the messing facilities.
In addition to the above and in line with the BP Project Manager further inspection of the messing facility was recommended to enable repairs that would expand the life span of the building. Ultimately following detailed inspection it was identified that this was the most suitable option for BP to take forward.
Project Managers
Tom Knight (Fabri) / Roy Smith (BP)
Fabri Engineering Lead
Lewis Doherty
The scope of the project was to evaluate and determine the terminal’s Fire and Explosion Hazard Management Plan (FEHMP) for the various fire scenarios which may occur at BP Isle of Grain (IOG).
The FEHMP was based on a standard methodology from Energy Institute’s (EI) Model Code of Safe Practice Part 19 (EI 19) and was developed to provide a consistent approach to the implementation of fire protection and hazard mitigation systems for IOG. It was the intent to provide a uniform approach and guidance to utilise the firefighting systems in the most effective and efficient way possible in the event of a fire or explosion at the site.
This FEHMP utilises EI 19 to determine potential hazards at the site, prevention measures, mitigation measures, and response strategies.
2022 / 2023
Project Managers
Michael Cummings (Fabri) / Roy Smith (BP)
Fabri Engineering Lead
Rori MacPherson
Fabri were asked to review the storm water process for the existing Rail Interceptor inclusive of all relevant standards.
Fabri confirmed the current interceptor was inadequate for the volume of contaminated water (oily water mix) in the rail drainage system with which it was intended for prior to discharge from site.
The proposal from this review highlighted a new retention interceptor would be required to allow surface water (oily water) to be discharged to a watercourse in-line with pollution prevention guidelines.
The project replaced the existing underground interceptor with a new larger volume tank which has the ability to capture all localised surface water.
Hydrocarbon detectors were also installed, where a localised MOV would close on detection.
The Project would take into account civil works comprising of a digging area of 8m (L) x 4m (W) x 7m (D). Given the size of the required digging area a confined space certificate was required inclusive of an emergency rescue which incorporated a confined space rescue.
Complete project from Appraise through to Construction and Commissioning
Year / Budget
2021 - 2022/ £300,000
Project Managers
Michael Cummings (Fabri) / Roy Smith (BP)
During piping integrity checks unexpected conditions were identified within the existing carbon steel slops piping system. The project replaced the 8” carbon steel slops discharge pipework with 4” stainless steel pipework.
Year / Budget
2020 - 2021/ £300K
Project Managers
Michael Cummings (Fabri) / Roy Smith (BP)
Introduction of a second import line allowing site to simultaneously import and recirculate product from the main Jet storage tanks on site. Complete project from Appraise through to Construction.
Year / Budget
2020 / £370K
Project Managers
Dave Burnett (Fabri) / Roy Smith (BP)
Review options for a new blending facility inclusive of additional pumping requirements, micro filters, clay filters and filter water separators.
2019 - 2020
Project Managers
Dave Burnett (Fabri) / Roy Smith (BP)
Over a period of 10 years Fabri supported BP Oil UK engineering team develop and confirm compliance with there integrity management of all Fuel Value Chain (FVC) controlled terminals. This project covered many different elements and included the management and engineer support as required to complete the following;
Upgrade to existing tank gauging infrastructure to remove 'end of life' equipment
Year / Budget
2015 - 2016 / £500K
Project Managers
Thomas Knight (Fabri) / Iain Shearer (BP)
Project to introduce fire protection for both sites initially in preparation for the ethanol introduction however at the same time making allowance for site wide fire protection to align the sites with BP group practice standards GP 24-10 and GP 24-40.
The project included fire pump & foam proportioning unit control, electrically operated valve control, tank cooling, foam pourers, linear heat detection and flame detectors.
Project Managers
Douglas Burns (Fabri) / Peter Alderman (BP)
Projects complete at multiple sites across the UK;
2005 - 2023