Fabri Consulting Engineers
Fabri Consulting Engineers



A new customer to Fabri for 2024, Impala terminals have engaged Fabri to work alongside them at former Puma Energy sites in the UK and Irland. 

Additive Upgrade

Fabri worked alongside JTE Consultants Ltd to deliver a Feasibility study for the introduction of Kero Marker Dye and Gas Oil Marker Dye systems at Impala Terminals Belfast. 


The project identified options for new marker dye containerised packaged skids that could be installed fully constructed and tested with only final site tie ins required.


The project identified the requirements to introduce the required marker injection equipment throughout various loading gantries within the terminal and also identified the requirements associated to customs / HMRC for the dye injection tolerances.


In addition to the above the project identified additional options to enable the existing additive injection to move away from the bespoke control system and be incorporated into the Accuload / FuelFacs control. 


Fire Protection Upgrades

Fabri worked alongside JTE Consultants Ltd to deliver a Feasibility study for Theale terminal firefighting requirements.


The feasibility study was initiated by the terminal as the fire water pump is nearing the end of life and recommended to be replaced. In addition the client wanted a review of the current firefighting scenario and water / foam calculations to ensure the terminal was in compliance with the latest versions of the NFPA standards for storage and pumping capability.


The project reviewed all identified site fire scenarios and validated the fire water requirements to determine the storage volumes required. The project focused on two main options for storage locations of new above ground storage tanks and a new containerised fire water pump skid in compliance with the NFPA requirements.


In addition to the above the project identified the requirements for a new automated SCADA system inclusive of MOV’s to control the flow of water to the required area and an integrated firefighting SCADA, to allow all feedback and  firefighting available form the control room. 


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